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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Zulu
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

PIC10F200249 25 49188652
Bulelwa333249 25 1211831
IvanWahlberg249 25 1149633
Anais-341791249 25 1075606
rosegarlyn249 25 991088
HenryBrown08344249 25 962777
ThulieLion249 25 919220
Karimi.249 25 909390
Cris222339249 25 890581
MohammadAlHubail251 25 874162
Pormenly109 11 867565
david578913249 25 733527
Ertz21249 25 672161
Helen581157249 25 631448
KPM-B249 25 619862
Ishana13249 25 610617
suzannegre19109 11 591452
sajack21139249 25 554381
mariposa872671249 25 552260
Flo643595251 25 535478
BarbaraSou295325251 25 525086
Smambrosius251 25 506691
Chr1303249 25 491538
Luciavdyk251 25 480528
TinnapatSo249 25 450239
BrendaLowe3249 25 443705
SpartanK82249 25 440696
Jethryn249 25 433872
Gina984287249 25 420948
lingolano249 25 384868
000597.c454iurV249 25 383360
jaz886165249 25 380021
Tishie63250 25 378544
Let_s_Go250 25 378281
Akrampe249 25 346015
Maike151325249 25 310663
KendishaMc249 25 288146
Veeace251 25 279361
Antonie213563249 25 254179
Rina256167251 25 247564
Lez000249 25 238894
kharly5885249 25 230334
Ktj1919249 25 225252
NamastalieN249 25 218792
MPrB36251 25 208123
Victor3348519249 25 197785
Nandolo1915249 25 196483
RianaJonker249 25 195550
One_Stelz229 23 191638
Tuckluji249 25 190358
Isabel6601249 25 190056
Sally254410249 25 187877
KaneJuice249 25 174580
Leni33333249 25 170697
Drahern251 25 170685
Tinkerpor250 25 170136
WesleyMagi251 25 168571
H1LLDREN251 25 165649
lolofun2251 25 164879
hklingo3249 25 162540
RichardLen7249 25 159442
k.869439249 25 158900
princessLia1982249 25 157743
RagnarPostludium249 25 154796
dsonBrbosa1249 25 152577
aldriton251 25 152504
panyamnyenyekevu249 25 146434
Tanya426350249 25 143556
VioletJosh251 25 143255
EO4wellness251 25 141498
Fadzie7251 25 137771
Duoking07249 25 130340
Lake2089249 25 129006
rka88249 25 125943
jeancharlesco249 25 125489
PGZXIHMb249 25 120038
troy833003251 25 110937
SK.13.249 25 110859
JeremyMBP251 25 110623
Joh201251 25 110608
Thomas15056249 25 108138
Alboloji251 25 95955
Tansy2016249 25 94225
Tracey27417249 25 93155
Nadia565803249 25 91244
RonaldNKing251 25 90501
KL4Awp251 25 89937
eEL8SGpH249 25 88781
Ren739595250 25 82981
Sam32871251 25 81600
Alain935077249 25 81597
TrineyGurl249 25 80921
Missmut251 25 80369
Nathan11523250 25 80172
ngoni6695249 25 79755
MNicodemus42251 25 79461
Yvb3529870169 17 78698
JayendraNa4251 25 78549
engelsmannetjie251 25 78548
MiriamNgwa251 25 78447

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