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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Chinese
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

BigFriendlyLion249 25 546696671
NamPatt667 25 25 17 7989991
Michi_TokyoJPN498 25 25 7033408
Pichanchan498 25 25 6458673
Camus-Alpha249 25 6430000
Moco353244250 25 6119497
Rie0531499 25 25 4955497
bBWX14500 25 25 4867172
JJI8fK249 25 4857681
VincentHu8250 25 4778243
arichan934616250 25 4709154
zgfW15250 25 4320112
CarlosGilb531283667 25 22 20 3832279
Na7i15587 25 25 9 3763655
tom1505249 25 3761974
NguyenHuuT235435249 25 3555812
jiji_japan251 25 3543305
Roz887039249 25 3388803
URde8448 25 20 3369106
H217973249 25 3310014
--Frank--249 25 3277018
glolo3749 25 25 25 3254218
Long788321378 25 13 3228653
9GMl9459 25 21 3205461
gaoliang6251 25 3160226
Sylvia938523501 25 25 3132915
ArMth1251 25 2986144
ru_rururu250 25 2883754
ultracyclist250 25 2837519
WardWalker1249 25 2824958
p_von_a251 25 2817243
Fred42372249 25 2793660
paradise090909250 25 2571954
Spirit_um249 25 2510416
ANNA8181_249 25 2487989
nekonekokoneko499 25 25 2482987
Hiroshi61251 25 2470892
mako876856749 25 25 25 2469207
KenichiOhk249 25 2423062
Gvnu13251 25 2422966
John283359249 25 2415064
Linh714568250 25 2414637
rogerlo26249 25 2405596
gral594930250 25 2401097
HelenHui6251 25 2377031
qLQk4251 25 2360173
tanggiamhoan249 25 2348131
PHALL16250 25 2347447
goo-m250 25 2323299
ArthurFlat640 25 25 14 2307028
Nokkinsea250 25 2268224
SUGR65779251 25 2250846
Omega71ch249 25 2229455
HkYosh748 25 25 25 2209895
YZklCf249 25 2205951
ayj411250 25 2204840
Max127003249 25 2197441
ibu211251 25 2186749
pidona1578 25 25 8 2176232
CML0QD250 25 2172621
uBnf967470249 25 2163773
Janet490802251 25 2162909
Lucian933705251 25 2140618
Kucintakat249 25 2136873
Lekkerart249 25 2128191
Wagner700498 25 25 2124279
y1fr12501 25 25 2097585
Alexandre684012249 25 2092482
4ZSl4250 25 2089339
Connie901424249 25 2076858
BZ888251 25 2052644
woop254652390 25 14 2044171
vfo36251 25 2022407
Duoking07251 25 2013890
Jeanne557801249 25 2013311
hwQQ392208251 25 2008701
PeaceFreem1249 25 2005860
PatPang1251 25 1990732
Reno660808251 25 1990555
4xRV6251 25 1968092
yqHa641339250 25 1966047
AnnK900640251 25 1913251
nancywidiyanti249 25 1908996
MTSjdb249 25 1901313
NguyenThan888231249 25 1893580
Silly766893249 25 1893370
MujahidIqb2250 25 1892115
Er3epmMA249 25 1858440
pandakumasan500 25 25 1851647
jsYF806914328 25 8 1845628
susumu307362251 25 1840248
bhaskarj4249 25 1839678
HIROKO931766250 25 1838024
DrPhiNgo499 25 25 1836589
3yWIrlulyIzl498 25 25 1836541
SsCO12250 25 1832774
Benny339443249 25 1829741
b7n74250 25 1828259
Toritoritorio3249 25 1826475
John281740249 25 1823641

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