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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Chinese (Cantonese)
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

roy.leihong220 22 697484
Lily707383251 25 668377
kuo810628251 25 572712
Dakang1251 25 334826
C7hO10xT250 25 326195
Richard623278249 25 316120
cEqE18251 25 287094
MSCH91251 25 273603
KhngAnh4249 25 264559
kc1989hk251 25 251292
xiu511640251 25 220566
Amy663107251 25 210425
YongqinZho251 25 198452
Lion164988251 25 188840
tranhonganh102251 25 169295
Westfall3250 25 160816
Thomas287790251 25 158873
zhuolufen251 25 151222
J2sf7249 25 143556
Jinjoa249 25 142252
juliaz5522251 25 141977
Chuan.Han249 25 137602
JikunCai250 25 135572
IvyMok4250 25 131669
ChengSiewT250 25 130008
ph.AbkaR5249 25 126546
Chhaixia250 25 123264
HuracanSTrofeo251 25 114211
nartticus251 25 107836
Miao490276250 25 102044
EiichiYamanose251 25 101253
FfVNQr4HbGxD79B251 25 101235
_sunwhvx249 25 92076
G_A_C_O250 25 90000
bR9n17249 25 89678
TQr111250 25 89667
Sue-bamboo250 25 88448
WWJD217253230 23 88031
GingerLi5250 25 82599
jespigno251 25 81829
Guenter8000250 25 81292
TracyWu17250 25 80860
z_hangman_li249 25 80712
danhuanJ249 25 78227
glolo3251 25 77248
PamelaN2706250 25 76633
ph.koLjjn250 25 71345
BhZh20249 25 71302
WAI.Ng251 25 69677
Waiski2251 25 67244
Helen855995250 25 66815
mali775882249 25 65897
HN0vzTpM249 25 64191
still1213160 16 64161
low888605251 25 59746
JordiAlba18251 25 58051
Chichioohlala251 25 57158
Jenny6872249 25 53492
NoraLamson251 25 52590
Hong89922249 25 51701
ab5795120251 25 51474
abcdezl251 25 50957
Peizhe_Shi251 25 50901
wx.1e56869ea133a251 25 49295
JynkJ251 25 48796
exHg18249 25 48466
YYyuaner251 25 48432
Duoking07249 25 47805
ArlenHoh249 25 47134
Yi-Fang251 25 46824
ph.8618912285980249 25 46696
Dunsiu130721250 25 46258
ph.TskzFI249 25 45737
ZFYN4250 25 44657
LIMINGSUN2250 25 44225
ph.dsCLuj199 20 43232
hyenalice250 25 42458
Kaynis1251 25 42407
CyberWarmth219 22 41765
Tony316946249 25 41146
ph.Rcbg8O251 25 40685
Jing483164249 25 40550
bpgS3250 25 40389
wordgeek416250 25 40166
MantosYY249 25 39636
hip2wu250 25 39399
Pang600036249 25 38254
ww4j3249 25 37737
bJtj929141249 25 36861
rhino027250 25 36380
SerenaaZ_249 25 36370
YifanP249 25 35909
Leia953965250 25 34631
kumi-chou250 25 34470
zaka0816240 24 34087
kaz858082199 20 33866
macdong249 25 33496
b653622251 25 33434
ph.BPXy8n250 25 33123
ArthurFlat210 21 32675

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