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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Romanian
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

Antoneta1958250 25 4113435
GeorgeM115251 25 3315342
Claudiu129842249 25 2105596
ngocle5249 25 1652280
CameliaPum250 25 1490104
Mircea-S.249 25 1394777
Dipto_duo_Rahela249 25 1190761
Bogabum251 25 967328
carmen695679251 25 886276
ZoltnRozgo1249 25 873092
Andrew5117251 25 829747
Neil147251 25 822822
Ana689480249 25 816505
Lucian139524251 25 776111
____brandon_____251 25 744783
Abidaga250 25 700102
tostimi249 25 697292
BennyRoone249 25 693916
MCZp4Q250 25 692334
Francoise155909249 25 637057
Daryl500203250 25 636808
LilibethLi249 25 584039
voineaion251 25 577514
Arianserv251 25 570270
Malalay9249 25 570198
sylwietka250 25 565358
Xav527414249 25 557225
FerdinandH761656250 25 555866
David818112250 25 530029
Kay53177251 25 504436
siledumitrescu251 25 480613
Craig701703250 25 469124
pedro216098249 25 462355
DoinaSento251 25 457698
AmjadIssa4250 25 451410
lesley713898250 25 414092
James55483251 25 394068
DubinskyAl250 25 385421
Mariasha77249 25 376770
Nosyor250 25 359543
AngelaGavr1250 25 357092
Afrodita659769250 25 353570
danielraur250 25 351927
Tutu538199250 25 351909
englezainvatr249 25 349948
Scevola3250 25 342448
AlexDiaconescu251 25 340830
Janneke771613249 25 338572
jasonbc123250 25 336676
DavidJustice250 25 330287
SandaOprea3250 25 329092
TheresaRadu250 25 328632
Century.j249 25 324466
RODICA571452249 25 324097
Amamoai169 17 319961
MrPerformer249 25 317032
Serkheru250 25 316850
TaniaUaa249 25 315811
Alex675001250 25 310194
ShoshiWoshi250 25 307466
A7vSw249 25 306926
15Karin250 25 296274
redacted0036249 25 293820
AndrasLeve1251 25 293632
Jim174454251 25 293219
JuliePinne249 25 292969
Allyson1979249 25 292060
Dnadirecto251 25 289874
Soosie9250 25 286078
Lloyd_T251 25 285594
Jan802790249 25 279958
Dana744758239 24 275712
rowanrfhill250 25 268723
Mircea716042251 25 266325
moldovanli3249 25 264228
DvoPet250 25 261143
DumitriuGa249 25 260108
DanCherech249 25 259292
David831947250 25 256955
Bob978945249 25 256595
Bradley65344251 25 251638
Ursula75133249 25 244256
GetaLucia249 25 243320
David.Nicolae251 25 241531
NicolaeBod9251 25 238546
serbue250 25 237572
Dave080808251 25 236205
MandyAMS249 25 233200
Joelaxle249 25 232632
Paul211232250 25 231121
Adriana1957c250 25 229856
Barbara785682250 25 223632
Keisue249 25 221578
elenafloroiu251 25 220020
PunkCat1250 25 217687
Oportov249 25 216285
Carmencita211691250 25 215352
Ana516662250 25 214543
sudswathi250 25 214389
DanaIvanov7249 25 212892

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