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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Portuguese
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

Squidquard249 25 1410065450
Mechas1219250 25 7621930
conansmeeth250 25 6353262
CharlesCla619585249 25 5920606
orlev1250 25 5263347
Carmen300432249 25 4531346
Vh_Rj250 25 4423633
Frank686193250 25 4338825
PauloWalsho250 25 3879004
Walter817250 25 3650390
Lee880180250 25 3551032
Marielos0759250 25 3424137
Jorge389948250 25 3275876
fernandeztolosa250 25 3220763
Braziwaiian250 25 3203611
Isabelle557375250 25 3181870
rosamariad859373250 25 3126445
EdHeGa249 25 2938726
godlessprimate250 25 2918917
Beth-__249 25 2898374
beafernandez761250 25 2865664
BerthaA.Granados250 25 2809200
nomisgen249 25 2789164
BrendaMunoz9250 25 2635323
RaymondGut13250 25 2613035
PaulC68249 25 2515836
Jesus_Facenda250 25 2514990
Charles_Boyle250 25 2488614
Porporrit249 25 2461281
SelimAbrav250 25 2454929
Alejandra173121250 25 2427972
aquinorubi250 25 2403934
CarlosMarques-249 25 2374950
RalphCawson249 25 2291104
markreis49250 25 2285088
carol653561250 25 2278166
Fiona771875249 25 2275368
587606250 25 2245575
YvonneFrat3250 25 2244964
javier772619250 25 2236618
arnowaz250 25 2189022
AndrewLuca19250 25 2177120
OtavioAlen1249 25 2173683
PAULCUP250 25 2150428
Christine863831250 25 2131030
REET2021249 25 2111638
JosAntonio289978249 25 2100359
FrankManiccam250 25 2094320
FrankCornthwaite250 25 2059571
mickeymar1250 25 2058740
FIae17249 25 2041971
CleusaCleusa749 25 25 25 2023440
MayaGonzle3499 25 25 1994732
rosidoor250 25 1991627
ArmidaPrez250 25 1984892
susana804831249 25 1980597
Alberto750375499 25 25 1964398
KikiCade250 25 1958311
Pegjohngy250 25 1932631
DanielJ.871386250 25 1919835
Vivien4780250 25 1913013
ElviaDelga8369 25 12 1906007
Smit7009249 25 1902972
DURSYL58250 25 1902470
StephanNadig250 25 1894435
DerereGodz250 25 1881387
Rob509253250 25 1877347
gromek2250 25 1869400
Jorge798224249 25 1839865
ChinitaWa250 25 1807250
BrianAzeve4249 25 1788367
peter594202249 25 1766131
Andr41697250 25 1753186
Lety566808250 25 1743106
AnnStephen2249 25 1733121
Graciela1357249 25 1732623
MIRIAM756846250 25 1718963
Walterpere94243250 25 1713251
Richard185362250 25 1712691
PaulMcGeow250 25 1701902
ThomasNils15250 25 1692160
On_peut_faire17748 25 25 25 1688964
aniko-tucsi249 25 1685395
Penelope12345679249 25 1684459
Salvador159833499 25 25 1675793
Mayra_Fritsche389 25 14 1675499
tatianiux250 25 1665649
adamerau250 25 1660739
Sal185547250 25 1659385
Christophe750862249 25 1657690
GinoMartel2250 25 1651185
Sonia866446250 25 1647774
Teddyto82249 25 1645875
Lenis701250 25 1643327
Vauter2250 25 1639735
Ludzhev250 25 1637174
ATO705250 25 1629542
CamilleHau3249 25 1623828
Camden672723249 25 1619554

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