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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Japanese
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

br0k3nglass250 25 9489185
MargoNS249 25 5894536
LegnaX1249 25 5319593
MagicPug250 25 5227797
Yoshiki.Y249 25 5226725
J.CAF498 25 25 4895869
VeronikaBo694089249 25 4409008
zheng.oong249 25 4055000
BluDrgn86249 25 3968286
Josh585187249 25 3714831
wolverine014249 25 3561524
knaka1249 25 3534699
Jimmy328350250 25 3483038
63njb499 25 25 3206366
Gojira415249 25 3117241
AlexanderR197045500 25 25 3006920
Mimi658232249 25 2934809
607.ZiQzMuYNuNVn249 25 2910767
Chris264259249 25 2833898
JamesLloyd9236249 25 2790907
Hannah312531249 25 2784561
k4ay5250 25 2750032
Martin756288250 25 2742865
JoeG477740249 25 2711655
Keers10249 25 2697896
Charles811433249 25 2588655
yNq57249 25 2581561
Marcus630524249 25 2549204
MarqusPatt249 25 2542829
Terse1249 25 2486591
sezenen249 25 2471012
hyuuki13249 25 2468436
Hirasozu249 25 2466605
nQI38358 25 11 2436247
ReuekMoto268 25 2 2431948
Kyle.Abbott249 25 2405086
Meg55241249 25 2389626
Larry489526249 25 2387004
dabuzo250 25 2339539
David991070249 25 2315311
MonoDiTri1249 25 2314274
Pfefferminz_1249 25 2296663
AnaHelstro249 25 2292441
Eljefe966586249 25 2291243
LK5M8249 25 2281186
cap891102249 25 2273103
SuhardiGun249 25 2254932
Bamalam4249 25 2246225
Qk0K1249 25 2240275
kcJXBX250 25 2240256
LiliaCdR249 25 2231241
Purple.VN249 25 2222701
Mika33360249 25 2203793
bg475249 25 2203668
nightfhang249 25 2197712
Scott244505249 25 2184885
SnowMonkey2009249 25 2155503
Risingsonn249 25 2151132
ChiakiHack249 25 2135209
Felipe_Abrantes249 25 2131775
ken7o498 25 25 2129677
BKPT28249 25 2118623
Pasan997249 25 2115024
Boboee249 25 2112814
StanleyLyn1249 25 2105122
ChrisArche7249 25 2096686
logesh08249 25 2084486
Ryonn92250 25 1996850
amhudock249 25 1968855
j5kI7250 25 1947053
Caribe12345249 25 1946751
updatesucks249 25 1922632
punkass249 25 1915367
A-ATT250 25 1911120
Samantha82031250 25 1908174
KellySeu249 25 1904013
charlottaaa249 25 1899311
72Z2i6johannes249 25 1889427
RonnyHarri1249 25 1866189
Rohitsirpalmo268 25 2 1851699
pmoL17249 25 1846957
andrea881432249 25 1839270
Keenan429254249 25 1835064
nekonekokoneko499 25 25 1826144
Kieran867090249 25 1822168
metede249 25 1818085
VKVW88249 25 1808998
Shiprat249 25 1801218
Ann669297249 25 1799696
Vonefadopd249 25 1798072
ten409374249 25 1779558
Cindy86131358 25 11 1768499
hk40249 25 1767684
lynn851635249 25 1757410
NavyWill249 25 1757194
Asuka499171249 25 1756330
covfefe249 25 1748379
Marco-san1249 25 1745325
f0null249 25 1743352
Deekshant_Uniyal249 25 1740970

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