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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Italian
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

9nb1WIid250 25 2147483647
Squidquard249 25 1000000030
davidbohardt250 25 13455774
Johan438134249 25 5831626
Angela602963249 25 4995113
dockpro250 25 4477666
JoeKinsell7250 25 4297777
BeeAitsch249 25 4223480
lrnz80249 25 4099427
javiguilla748 25 25 25 3954107
Jet759235250 25 3830047
RayMalta250 25 3742346
Linda727995-249 25 3659857
GloriaFirenze250 25 3483160
31770OLLIE250 25 3359901
JeanFleck1249 25 3344457
MariaEsther3003249 25 3241285
Daphne1948250 25 3079309
Christinac515286249 25 3078088
GustavoCas375616498 25 25 3041901
bryanabe249 25 3000947
JuliaMeriv249 25 2899679
RaymondMcK8249 25 2876845
MichaelCar3176249 25 2860771
Molly576339249 25 2842215
amorepertutti499 25 25 2841888
AlbertGiac250 25 2783494
Lidija315698250 25 2712736
rondiarelli250 25 2708528
Patty410155249 25 2688550
C00kieShark13637 25 25 14 2670024
ErikPolise249 25 2658375
Larry343186250 25 2627648
Karen557051250 25 2609306
JOSEAARBIZUC250 25 2601254
luisitalynica250 25 2569872
Lavini3105251 25 2550049
Pedro765291469 25 22 2527739
GiovanniAragona250 25 2524302
Lparelli249 25 2496717
Lori831707249 25 2470038
Jeni58408249 25 2450094
DcnNorman249 25 2449648
MGillespie5250 25 2440823
ChameleonChic249 25 2425813
LuAnn416387249 25 2413518
odetefregoneze250 25 2388812
Maja668255250 25 2385843
Abhi140529 3 2382531
RafaelCast549688250 25 2378322
Gemma317157249 25 2364198
CarmenUtopica388 25 14 2362482
sculptor64250 25 2349892
lisadillnu249 25 2343498
plimrn250 25 2332284
Drdribbler249 25 2316664
Franchesca163001250 25 2289426
Anne256246249 25 2273981
ArgineNL250 25 2254463
Michael697191250 25 2253960
CharlotteRobbi501 25 25 2249666
marie894441249 25 2230232
Uwe47628500 25 25 2196700
FlemmingJu249 25 2194092
K84ux250 25 2175668
TJ_Tomas250 25 2162380
Connimax24251 25 2160423
TonyBlaze777250 25 2157695
Rebecca857615249 25 2138505
Serena594739250 25 2111900
Levin120654250 25 2084279
Joann842362249 25 2074215
marykaob250 25 2067465
SandyT246250 25 2057573
MJV44444250 25 2039930
wZI3ZMvK250 25 2035500
NestorV78250 25 2031526
fscibetta249 25 2020923
lu0309250 25 2004737
Diana912627250 25 2001971
Wille1896399 25 15 1987488
Helga333546249 25 1972040
CastroUr250 25 1959188
Antheia-268 25 2 1950836
Pedro62072249 25 1948664
Chr1303498 25 25 1918560
RajinderMa1029 3 1901357
LauraBusk2249 25 1900579
Ingrid483563498 25 25 1894166
Ruth600169249 25 1886314
PietroPossibile250 25 1868257
yaceya1499 25 25 25 25 25 25 1860919
Birdie33426419 17 25 1834011
taiyosonetta249 25 1833315
LenGrazian250 25 1824614
Maria575439249 25 1815847
Cd081249 25 1806244
KlaraKashkina49250 25 1798208
Patricia347924250 25 1797945
N6v8249 25 1796785

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