It's hard to believe, but February 9, 2025 is the third anniversary of our forum community, which became more than just a Duolingo Forum. Come join us! :)

Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Guarani
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

Olaf325567250 25 1863212
983.M0nFW5Ny86Sa250 25 750995
lucy818822250 25 707662
mehisy62250 25 349158
JesusRafae288696249 25 334067
679.3BW7YbEw20nj251 25 318364
MSCH91251 25 246601
Cheli_Ok250 25 205345
juliocasti337504250 25 190616
ElpidioSan250 25 148069
Manomanux250 25 131537
hygjGutirr250 25 116415
Kati802446250 25 111746
MATHEUSMEN503828250 25 111021
facc2585250 25 110111
HESM.249 25 110094
Isis578060250 25 106302
Simone.Sandim249 25 80444
Guenter8000250 25 77665
willgenheiros250 25 76232
RosauraGuevara250 25 75840
thirdlevel250 25 74396
laura660688250 25 74295
Norma735036250 25 73765
RobertEddy250 25 67632
jorge362498249 25 62519
Antoniocal213251 25 62047
Vinh-Thomas250 25 60395
pepedro79250 25 59759
ahau.3250 25 58075
Gachivel250 25 57715
Clari462377250 25 57279
JAlfanael_250 25 57000
Polymorphism251 25 54430
Marcelo484348250 25 53726
rCrdob239 24 53104
BlancaESPINOLA249 25 50909
Ximena321784250 25 50378
telematix250 25 50333
luis.morais777249 25 48045
Angel_VV250 25 46772
DemetrioCanoso239 24 45121
iad58g249 25 44740
piguy3250 25 44716
Yolanda8039250 25 44021
ie-yasu251 25 42900
Dolo76249 25 42643
Nimak9999250 25 42471
RobertinoR1250 25 42433
OsmarBaezT249 25 42420
Sanctacaris_unc.239 24 42014
Blas265503250 25 41345
HuracanSTrofeo251 25 41166
victogon250 25 41073
Ernesto275253250 25 40777
kumi-chou251 25 39819
brochchel249 25 39506
flacolombi249 25 39450
jeannine761781249 25 39291
gadiovertip250 25 38784
Jorge316910249 25 38436
SirleynCas1249 25 37981
JaguaYvyguy229 23 37411
MariaEudelNJesus250 25 37376
GudinLiliana250 25 35519
Duoking07249 25 34830
JLDESG250 25 34016
Trapija249 25 33993
alon_lk249 25 33749
randomRock6-..--249 25 33179
Pedro610085249 25 32241
EtelyYbarr1249 25 31806
Joeldetigre19 2 31151
Vica975250 25 30934
aa--chan251 25 30515
elperra_249 25 30412
475.0lrFE28JNlG3251 25 30300
BarretoEric249 25 30171
Fabantou249 25 30141
Blas_de_Lezo00249 25 30123
HoracioMcRodz240 24 30089
Christophe940713249 25 30064
Lars901485230 23 30014
PetraLang660 6 30003
LuisBaptis1219 2 30003
Gustavo137746239 24 29439
Gabriela613463239 24 29313
DanielPedr628888240 24 27365
Fenix.1991240 24 26746
dasletras239 24 26303
negrobostero230 23 25929
ritalomas229 23 25876
fabisubterraneo229 23 25487
leandralucia230 23 25173
Danieru79229 23 24894
Laura650958230 23 24647
Juanita374254229 23 24595
FernandoVilela87230 23 24556
Horacio1315230 23 24478
Cionadh230 23 24394

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