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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning French
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

Iurii-2013249 25 2147483647
Squidquard249 25 1000001184
geoffjax250 25 8680465
Angela645140249 25 7244550
Ying442393996 25 25 25 25 6739045
ImageCreator249 25 5790593
Djamilla24747 25 25 25 5645298
G_A_C_O1993 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5402300
ppouk749 25 25 25 5338832
Jean793632249 25 5308102
Rachel886585249 25 4989597
Betty278895249 25 4897211
haey734496249 25 4630781
rosa.c.orellana249 25 4618527
jnne250 25 4562319
Jiddo4249 25 4373320
Belchos249 25 4370337
tNZZdYCL251 25 4240570
SusrutoDas249 25 3994520
JurgitaDan.249 25 3848749
YvonneValdes299 25 5 3846524
Grace487431249 25 3808029
patrickdufour50268 25 2 3694207
Beppo52500 25 25 3680221
Ed0AsM249 25 3587559
bainbad249 25 3554969
Caitlin871057249 25 3526519
JamesLaneT249 25 3521293
dabuzo249 25 3458420
Zenjp250 25 3330191
Ess741396249 25 3298409
Cecilia151515249 25 3293278
PaulHarrim249 25 3288708
TroyM585543249 25 3226121
Benilde32249 25 3215173
HasmikChap249 25 3208816
Lindy744493249 25 3208740
Lynda405681250 25 3182954
ClaudiaC927249 25 3137384
Adelaide659207249 25 3122086
Saram99160249 25 3089712
EdQ5gq250 25 3075074
Diep709249 25 3070895
ValdeteVidigal250 25 3059271
mzfunkimonki249 25 3003804
S.Margaret249 25 2982885
LaurelSuess249 25 2971579
Arlene584052249 25 2968761
RajinderMa10249 25 2965936
David366265249 25 2964868
bri136137250 25 2948337
Framework201970 25 25 15 20 17 16 18 25 16 21 2946830
kaylee340184249 25 2933698
Arsella20249 25 2898233
xYsO13249 25 2893993
Kathleen498060249 25 2882246
pierre95391506 25 25 25 25 21 14 16 2875352
HagenPoegerl249 25 2855561
ffkathy249 25 2847724
BarryCampbell31998 25 25 25 25 2843344
RaquelPint744966250 25 2841845
patriciawo19250 25 2817964
sarah87249 25 2813342
MalySom1249 25 2812195
EybeKnight249 25 2800920
Lanni15250 25 2791904
paPatBell249 25 2780112
Rmy129807250 25 2770142
Heather616878249 25 2764210
Myoung-ock250 25 2744690
DebbieTemp5249 25 2736319
phillipcon20249 25 2735252
Terri629134250 25 2720403
Antonio55618299 25 5 2720030
Ulrike210344250 25 2717884
Delly41249 25 2702416
Sonyamo23249 25 2697855
Guenter80002500 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2692952
Tasman30249 25 2684835
Hillary390142249 25 2676532
Rheta2249 25 2675063
MariellaBo17251 25 2669327
Gloria466594249 25 2663410
Margie549037250 25 2659801
SeppoAnttila249 25 2652318
ClaudiaCap199083250 25 2634518
Patrys77250 25 2620655
Nancy322486249 25 2612587
Lisa650298249 25 2595370
Ralf599574498 25 25 2581253
jantymolar249 25 2551980
bolbich805 25 25 17 10 4 2542241
Matt417917249 25 2533498
IanPeattie249 25 2525136
Helena704370250 25 2511963
girardjl249 25 2485795
coolwatr249 25 2484440
S18Z1249 25 2467215
Candice123456249 25 2460107
Sara_Wahab249 25 2457419

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