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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning English
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

OscarTorres998249 25 1825870725
_n_u_249 25 1462682438
Ma.Trinida1249 25 11518016
Guenter80006250 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 11440376
Pircike_Agnes586 25 11 6 6 5 6 10483296
DeepakSharmaa501 25 25 10306105
khangnguye15249 25 9419489
Ally386549249 25 9078327
HelmutFaninger250 25 8928339
Carlos347222249 25 8799172
4tocaia249 25 8200798
KarLicCast249 25 7724204
chelorio249 25 7717435
Vladimir12452428 25 18 7351247
Zbi320783249 25 7278244
solana420392249 25 7256797
gabbriello1358 25 11 7114484
tuantree1589__249 25 7034584
Somebody13579249 25 6970881
Mary127527251 25 6796224
Ivan364600250 25 6754744
catalannic249 25 6352623
eirikaleid249 25 6294149
amlnaguib1251 25 6278020
AngelesPea20250 25 6131174
ILIEZANFIR1249 25 6094127
Bq6S1250 25 6079796
lindaura.m250 25 6062483
svequerteros249 25 6052821
Philippe398350250 25 5967786
rTh45249 25 5948109
Varganya072251 25 5940194
denis.azevedo279 25 3 5922252
Igor_S8249 25 5874679
Awali17251 25 5826103
martaguinart249 25 5796746
Lucia553640249 25 5751800
JoseniaAb72249 25 5673333
SeonghoKim1249 25 5672545
SpythWolfgang249 25 5605930
Karin305404250 25 5575392
analice0954249 25 5573718
Ma803430250 25 5512546
Serbest82251 25 5469748
Silvi483933249 25 5457746
jovita24249 25 5455202
49katirozsnyone310 25 6 5333536
jesus-sv249 25 5325937
NataNata138667249 25 5314896
mariaelefteri249 25 5309862
Tuyt791365249 25 5257802
vals2000249 25 5242994
Katharina2491249 25 5221332
Bruno.SilvaSP736 25 11 10 10 9 9 5145560
happyp1249 25 5097699
LiubovBogdanova249 25 5086330
h0kd4249 25 5060359
HansiK52249 25 4943836
Zita425648250 25 4934828
LoUN76249 25 4922865
soniabria249 25 4898743
Pornpansri3250 25 4781250
JuergenVol1568 25 25 7 4758361
Roberto280928250 25 4753325
KatharinaK54249 25 4753190
Borja672249 25 4729580
AlexanderRomanko249 25 4723709
Jl662101249 25 4713132
CWJunker885 25 25 15 12 12 4683730
annaminus251 25 4643448
EvoEvo10249 25 4625252
Alberto1858250 25 4606141
S0nC5249 25 4577071
Thierry167894249 25 4576132
z1pJ250 25 4574884
Marian730467251 25 4570295
itismyhope249 25 4568916
MirceaItin251 25 4560406
Constant732620250 25 4560399
FrauG1231207 25 25 25 25 21 4534642
KhaoZeus249 25 4493891
Ana692105250 25 4492273
JoseRamiroVivar250 25 4485041
kKrr755015250 25 4481970
olivia_k2021499 25 25 4465794
QuenaMarco1249 25 4458998
rReBoOT249 25 4456482
MayraCorre946532249 25 4390181
Tendron2250 25 4389324
Ionel8592507251 25 4357092
PotterGy251 25 4314585
ChristianK410252249 25 4312426
GeorgiFegh249 25 4280337
Petra158467249 25 4240995
SangVMinh249 25 4235432
Elisabeth908157249 25 4222702
Gloriahmaf250 25 4215212
bSb018251 25 4205896
burgundia249 25 4171579
Ko3j26251 25 4162674

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