It's hard to believe, but February 9, 2025 is the third anniversary of our forum community, which became more than just a Duolingo Forum. Come join us! :)

Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Dutch
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

Squidquard249 25 1316134983
boondockbaby251 25 10495245
BeataZ.249 25 4955352
tiger175250 25 3855055
largobob250 25 3362522
Robert854631249 25 3153105
MarjaAkker249 25 2584837
shalom318776249 25 2484760
Mike810391250 25 2469181
gmhallett250 25 2445447
NancyLittl10249 25 2183288
Regina571244249 25 2162183
Maggie283941250 25 2153710
Verkenner249 25 2085001
JankaZenko250 25 1964184
PaulSellwo250 25 1880935
EricGreenw4249 25 1848837
tabolard250 25 1843996
Estherot249 25 1840351
JohnGadd1250 25 1777641
Graeme595115249 25 1735880
cameron619521250 25 1682206
Jacqui936702249 25 1605589
Mayuko443266250 25 1567221
Madeleine102830250 25 1553893
MarkBurge2250 25 1546699
SheryllBrooke249 25 1546231
Gijs414850249 25 1517059
Dan579785250 25 1488802
Rob384044250 25 1485918
Hilary699527249 25 1461018
Megan998730249 25 1446565
Britta205317249 25 1427860
IanLogan15250 25 1423866
ZivilCourage249 25 1423132
Susanne157260250 25 1421743
TimHoffman9250 25 1408006
andrea171482249 25 1368699
EdwardPasch249 25 1346181
Lisa-Maria209246251 25 1344576
MarleneMoar250 25 1339945
Terri396778249 25 1324261
Jeff857066249 25 1322047
Martina427343249 25 1316393
maranatha1962249 25 1302750
Sam959193249 25 1298921
WookieesAndCream249 25 1284000
ParissaKal250 25 1266457
Dalien3250 25 1263983
CycleRae249 25 1259378
OlavLerbre250 25 1250119
Margareth185142250 25 1228519
dianetodd2249 25 1222822
Toni828938250 25 1212071
Ian195293249 25 1201786
Fihpb5249 25 1187350
BonnieDeFr2250 25 1172301
AriS262593249 25 1160446
Matts_learning249 25 1157967
AZ202104249 25 1157859
Linda-Holland250 25 1152566
Netteboo249 25 1144869
CooperSinz250 25 1135249
Vlad573419250 25 1130398
Adi190048250 25 1128671
YasS499049249 25 1128021
s_p_fraser250 25 1114155
overtoom1999251 25 1108553
Alicia431621249 25 1077819
harry.h.h250 25 1077002
Denise375880250 25 1069265
nic.mardle250 25 1062611
Jayne_R249 25 1052493
Kingpinken249 25 1052346
knoelie251 25 1048540
AlexFord45180251 25 1041788
mevrouw_m251 25 1033099
Iammesothere249 25 1029797
libro15250 25 1024694
inigo790519250 25 1022755
turhangul250 25 1012292
LizaWolf4249 25 1009278
Widgy1250 25 1007216
GloriaArsenal249 25 994095
lisa866214249 25 991276
RicardoLim479069249 25 990870
JuniorNC249 25 988857
michael10009249 25 985137
Legendary948506250 25 979913
Papaspoof250 25 979369
Inna397250 25 961115
Sussan826187250 25 949686
nuclearian249 25 940382
HylianTom249 25 937973
Ibkesh250 25 937954
KristinDho249 25 928414
AxiBau250 25 926327
Brandonmodric249 25 924360
Lissa162112250 25 909019
Angela433769251 25 908932

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