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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning German
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

OscarTorres998368 12 25 1500125580
Squidquard249 25 1215752502
familysearch249 25 18180002
AUGUSTO1960249 25 11408690
Peter669365249 25 9960020
LisaDavid5875 25 25 11 12 9 6 5186453
ShaunyMal249 25 4575955
williamlue2249 25 4391296
drajb846 25 22 20 18 4204500
pthambidurai250 25 4202339
wVbC827239250 25 4123511
Jeanne59535250 25 4090744
Nena_8888500 25 25 3971085
Robert101155249 25 3928195
Neil263250 25 3906571
WaynePicard249 25 3825258
DAVE203606250 25 3786702
Guszti19942 25 25 12 5 8 7 7 6 3706223
Graham909249 25 3586675
Karin72854250 25 3577038
cyanide.burnout499 25 25 3556057
ken23228250 25 3480516
Michelle1269249 25 3454686
Stan977606249 25 3437681
SabihaBozd250 25 3373105
motylku249 25 3359004
JoyceBella62250 25 3320250
KarenMccul5249 25 3291830
JuergenVol1339 25 9 3282000
WayneP_PANTONE249 25 3253842
Hanger1118CP498 25 25 3228190
galina713597249 25 3179017
U5rB4250 25 3159101
Guillermo26716251 25 3146981
Edu507896251 25 3136018
Marianne131717249 25 3065812
GregF78249 25 3064640
John572004249 25 2998941
Natalie189755249 25 2992253
tataie11250 25 2986214
abba-s2497 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2979747
ft0Q7249 25 2968401
GaryWade3249 25 2960869
der_Mondseer498 25 25 2940003
AlisonNJ250 25 2910661
yumi383759498 25 25 2907553
zeki859314249 25 2873609
MariaBratt250 25 2850575
mrnosuch249 25 2806291
Galka577002251 25 2801490
MOUNIR164250 25 2788794
Emma986401250 25 2780084
Bara927288 25 4 2779967
Tom6709250 25 2765464
iVo94W9k250 25 2754177
ajdroge249 25 2752477
DagnyBlondal249 25 2736845
ljQD15249 25 2698728
Stella321817249 25 2666509
WA79818538887596 25 25 6 4 2629234
Vali218817996 25 25 25 25 2607281
LuisH.Reub251 25 2587229
SpencerArtist91249 25 2570718
JurgitaDan.249 25 2557343
varuntyagi83250 25 2500264
romaSCHKA.249 25 2499156
Mitch638427249 25 2496393
umutzkaya249 25 2491695
PaulSilver21250 25 2487611
Iggy.Metal249 25 2483992
catherineb708250 25 2476158
NFDe365064249 25 2471928
Ben749528249 25 2470979
HmrMacskss268 25 2 2465011
cowie00249 25 2448969
Carole97234250 25 2435469
DagFizz249 25 2434660
kommbitte249 25 2428923
Mabe807299250 25 2421933
Alexandra55517747 25 25 25 2421776
Marksufc250 25 2406221
carlosbellino249 25 2395924
Mimi610906538 25 25 4 2374382
shaggistheking249 25 2367507
Dmytro.Sh249 25 2366433
MichelPare20249 25 2364464
CydO16249 25 2356797
EMMAHAZARI250 25 2356022
LeoEnrico249 25 2354729
Wanderfalk4649 25 25 15 2348225
Franoise915184502 25 25 2342902
sksowe251 25 2338140
Josef908994249 25 2323837
K3DR7249 25 2319728
ArleneQuan249 25 2315097
jeffmorgan18249 25 2292838
Sonia589071249 25 2284060
324.Pq562OwJHExJ249 25 2276220
JulioHeber4501 25 25 2263164
babingez250 25 2256251

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