It's hard to believe, but February 9, 2025 is the third anniversary of our forum community, which became more than just a Duolingo Forum. Come join us! :)

Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Czech
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

CompHelp249 25 3017535
zdeninar249 25 2803707
noraem249 25 2538793
n123456o249 25 2449792
Rakovskej249 25 2381929
zdenkahippi249 25 2248171
MartaBhoun249 25 2233395
Tibor621054249 25 2137359
Izabela51746249 25 2121023
GeorgeJoba249 25 1995555
MavXGg249 25 1730128
Lenka58656249 25 1637760
Brunhild956751249 25 1598514
Blanka457450249 25 1538965
Vlastislav17249 25 1520864
Viktoria16469249 25 1493015
RalucaDnc249 25 1485666
Lenka230502249 25 1429659
GaryCr52219 22 1421510
Peterkozak4251 25 1406865
Darren518137249 25 1389128
Jirka1749250 25 1379453
Pavel110014250 25 1373446
EugeneByel249 25 1338475
dfMi17249 25 1318904
Vlaka921661250 25 1310569
lek655503249 25 1193176
Martina785792249 25 1190037
Daniel823409249 25 1138375
Aleksandra978249 25 1134888
Pavla242643249 25 1131546
Dasha3207249 25 1115779
annajurano249 25 1071179
mildys1249 25 1028526
Mary287022249 25 1027064
DennisGall13249 25 979379
Josef931950251 25 962960
Susan431887251 25 962821
PeterHledik249 25 947802
Magnum836835250 25 928367
Kamil162309249 25 925071
tedharriso5249 25 924751
Hanka110118249 25 915586
T_0_M249 25 910753
Marek842837249 25 879901
ucimsajayzk249 25 869542
Zermerr249 25 856101
Sylva846823249 25 840133
BoneheadBass249 25 836283
citule249 25 828004
MILA790125250 25 819876
BorecNakonec221 22 804623
alenadraj249 25 798685
Aka51802249 25 796147
LadislavSz7249 25 794956
prat.jan249 25 793473
VieraBelov249 25 789328
ssloauvkeakl249 25 785178
NorelhiLpe250 25 765762
Zorka822624249 25 749790
GerlindeKr16249 25 720152
MaintainKr249 25 714705
Jez119109249 25 706326
Tanika19363249 25 704887
Blanka706011249 25 684262
LadaMusilo249 25 682492
gafrann249 25 681093
Jirka499502249 25 680958
javasek249 25 668783
Ludmila573707249 25 662002
Jen_Williamson249 25 645592
Parameshwarii02249 25 640000
JirkaR250 25 634703
MichalPanak249 25 633970
denisa281799251 25 630386
AndreaKale1249 25 621268
giordi124249 25 620672
Nebraska650249 25 602757
josluisesc15251 25 599617
RajiSeeni249 25 597468
HappyKati249 25 583385
Jii431982249 25 578239
Kosmo1947249 25 577198
Steffi785184251 25 575952
Kaffie513249 25 575502
Lenka30310249 25 562167
Lenka660290249 25 561672
naa397743251 25 561105
Sergiu991993249 25 560596
Ivana838449249 25 551831
Ludek257681249 25 548229
GrzegorzW1987250 25 544963
Karel261467249 25 541869
mKlit250 25 541868
Jana41288119 12 528289
VitaPa249 25 525999
Ales555249 25 523378
Zeferina87233249 25 521839
Claudia559424249 25 518927
pidlisna249 25 514922

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