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Streak Hall of Fame



6444251 XP#88

Learning English from Korean

Level 25 · 50594 XP

Skills: 117

Lessons: 565

Lexemes: 3929

Strength: 80%

Created: 2021-09-14
Last Goal: 2023-11-02
Timezone: UTC+6

Last update: 2024-08-18 13:07:57 GMT+3 (cached)


English Skills by StrengthCrownsNameOriginal Order

  • ••• 23 기초 111 @ 50% 50
  • ••• 23 인사21 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 기초 222 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 사람31 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 일상41 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 식당42 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 기초 3242 @ 75% 25
  • ••• 14 관용구23 @ 100% 0
  • ••• 23 음식71 @ 25% 75
    beef · beer · breakfast · cheese · chicken · coffee · dinner · egg · fish · food · fruit · juice · lemon · lunch · meal · meat · oil · orange · pasta · plate · pork · salt · soup · strawberry · sugar · tea · tomato · vegetarian · wine
    29 words
  • ••• 14 동물73 @ 100% 0
    animal · bear · bird · cat · crab · dog · duck · elephant · horse · mouse · spider · turtle
    12 words
  • ••• 14 복수형262 @ 75% 25
    animals · apples · birds · books · cats · dogs · ducks · elephants · horses · newspapers · plates · sandwiches · turtles
    13 words
  • ••• 23 소유격91 @ 25% 75
    ' · 's · her · his · its · mine · my · our · ours · their · your · yours
    12 words
  • ••• -16 목적격 대명사93 @ 100% 0
    her · him · it · me · them · us · you
    7 words
  • ••• 23 의복102 @ 25% 75
    clothes · pants · wear · wears
    4 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 현재271 @ 25% 75
    cooks · design · find · go · goes · hear · hears · know · like · likes · listen · listens · loves · make · pays · play · plays · rains · run · runs · says · sees · sleeps · support · swim · swims · take · tell · use · walk · walks · want · wants · work · writes
    35 words
  • ••• 23 색깔273 @ 25% 75
    black · blue · brown · colorful · gray · green · orange · pink · purple · red · white · yellow
    12 words
  • ••• 23 의문문81 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 접속사123 @ 25% 75
    because · but · if · or · that · when · whenever · while
    8 words
  • ••• 23 전치사292 @ 25% 75
    about · after · against · among · as · at · behind · between · by · during · except · for · from · in · like · near · of · off · on · out · over · to · towards · under · with · without
    26 words
  • ••• 14 날짜와 시간301 @ 75% 25
    today · tomorrow · tonight · until
    4 words
  • ••• 23 가족62 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 직업312 @ 25% 75
    1 words
  • ••• 23 형용사 1321 @ 25% 75
    afraid · alive · available · beautiful · bilingual · clean · convenient · cultural · different · dirty · efficient · excellent · expensive · familiar · famous · final · frequent · future · general · historical · human · important · impossible · independent · interesting · left · legal · little · living · local · main · military · minimum · modern · necessary · negative · next · normal · official · open · opposite · own · perfect · personal · popular · positive · possible · private · professional · real · recent · religious · responsible · sad · same · serious · special · tired · traditional · whole · wooden · wrong
    62 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 현재 2323 @ 25% 75
    answers · ask · believe · comes · consider · ends · fail · feel · follow · hope · include · includes · live · makes · mark · needs · offer · offers · open · pass · present · raise · remember · rest · return · returns · save · searches · seems · shows · sign · starts · stop · takes · thank · trust · wish · works
    38 words
  • ••• 23 부사332 @ 25% 75
    again · almost · already · also · always · anywhere · approximately · as · away · clearly · completely · currently · definitely · easily · else · enough · especially · even · ever · exactly · far · finally · generally · here · however · just · late · later · least · more · much · necessarily · neither · never · nor · normally · now · once · only · perfectly · possibly · pretty · really · slowly · so · sometimes · soon · still · then · there · together · too · twice · usually · very · well · yet
    57 words
  • ••• 14 장소341 @ 75% 25
    along · into
    2 words
  • ••• 14 사물343 @ 75% 25
    scissors · through · tv
    3 words
  • ••• 23 사람 2352 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 14 여행61 @ 75% 25
    abroad · america · american · around · china · chinese · drive · england · europe · european · france · french · germany · international · italian · south · travel · travels · turn · turns
    20 words
  • ••• 23 한정사162 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 숫자363 @ 25% 75
    amount · average · eight · eighteen · eighty · eleven · enough · fifteen · fifty · first · five · forty · four · fourteen · fourth · half · hundred · last · less · majority · many · meter · million · more · much · nine · nineteen · ninety · one · pair · per · seven · seventeen · seventy · six · sixteen · sixty · some · sum · ten · third · thirteen · thirty · thousands · three · total · twelve · twenty · two
    49 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 현재 3371 @ 25% 75
    adds · agree · allows · announce · appears · arrive · asks · assumes · begins · believes · calls · contains · continues · counts · creates · cuts · deliver · delivers · demands · dry · explains · feels · fill · finds · fits · fly · follows · gets · gives · helps · import · introduce · knows · leaves · lives · looks · mix · opens · presents · produces · put · puts · receives · reserve · reserves · respect · serves · sets · signs · sing · spend · supports · talks · tells · thinks · tries · uses · visits · watches · wins · wishes
    61 words
  • ••• 23 교육373 @ 25% 75
    meaning · studies · teaching · training
    4 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 과거381 @ 25% 75
    answered · appeared · ate · born · called · came · cooked · decided · died · drank · entered · explained · fell · felt · finished · found · gave · had · happened · heard · informed · introduced · kept · knew · left · liked · listened · looked · lost · loved · made · opened · performed · played · rained · reached · recently · returned · said · saw · seemed · showed · spoke · started · stayed · stopped · supported · talked · thought · told · took · touched · tried · turned · used · walked · wanted · watched · went · were · won · wrote · yesterday
    63 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 부정사383 @ 25% 75
    add · be · buy · call · change · close · come · cook · create · do · enter · get · give · help · keep · learn · let · look · love · need · pay · place · rain · rent · say · see · sell · set · show · sleep · speak · start · study · think · touch · try · visit · write
    38 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 과거 2392 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 추상적 대상 1401 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 형용사 굴절403 @ 25% 75
    able · alone · bad · best · better · big · bigger · cheaper · cleaner · clear · cold · deep · fair · fast · free · full · good · great · happy · hard · hot · large · less · long · new · nice · old · older · poor · prettier · pretty · pure · ready · rich · sharp · short · simple · small · smaller · strong · sure · sweet · tall · than · true · weak · worse · worst · young · younger
    50 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 현재 완료형412 @ 25% 75
    ago · before · previous · previously · since
    5 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 부정사 2421 @ 25% 75
    accept · achieve · affect · allow · analyze · answer · appear · apply · assume · avoid · beat · begin · belong · build · choose · continue · count · cover · cut · define · develop · die · exist · explain · finish · fit · forget · hate · how · improve · increase · leave · lets · lose · meet · miss · prepare · prevent · produce · reach · recover · repeat · respond · serve · shut · stay · suffer · talk · though · understand · wait · wake · win
    53 words
  • ••• 23 관계 대명사423 @ 25% 75
    what · where · which · who · whom · whose
    6 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 과거 완료432 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 추상적 대상 2441 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 재귀 대명사442 @ 25% 75
    herself · himself · itself · myself · ourselves · themselves · yourself · yourselves
    8 words
  • ••• 14 자연443 @ 75% 25
    down · up
    2 words
  • ••• 14 동사: 동명사251 @ 75% 25
  • ••• 23 운동453 @ 25% 75
    exercise · exercises · jump · jumps · kick · scored
    6 words
  • ••• 23 예술461 @ 25% 75
    musical · opening · painting
    3 words
  • ••• 23 의사소통463 @ 25% 75
    1 words
  • ••• 23 의료471 @ 25% 75
    ill · sick
    2 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 미래472 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 14 정치473 @ 75% 25
    1 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 미래형 구동사281 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 05 과학483 @ 100% 0
    alcohol · decrease · discover · electric
    4 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 미래 완료492 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 비즈니스501 @ 25% 75
    advertising · costs · global
    3 words
  • ••• 23 동사: 법조동사503 @ 25% 75
    can · cannot · could · may · must · should · would
    7 words
  • ••• 23 행사311 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 동사: 완료 조건법352 @ 25% 75
  • ••• 23 속성513 @ 25% 75
Cached // 2023-03-030.033

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