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A message to all Duome Patrons: website does not work for me more often than it does, so I couldn't find a better way to ask this quistion.
I don't know every username, so please, if you're an existing or former duome Patron - it doesn't matter - please, get in touch so I could enable this page for you.
It was meant to be a little gift for this Christmas - a sneak peek of an extensive upcoming feature ;)
Hey everybody!!!
This bonus skill might seem pretty confusing at first. (And it really is :p).
Why is that?? Well....the translations here are definitely not literal. The main purpose of this lesson is not to teach grammar and normal language translations, but to teach how people commonly say things in everyday life.
Since we are talking about idioms and proverbs, each language will have their own way of saying things.
That said, please don't get frustrated if you can't do it right on the first attempts. We hope you have fun!